35 research outputs found

    Synaptus: A Matlab/Octave toolbox for synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging.

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    Underlying patterns and factors behind suicides of patients in treatment are still unclear and there is a pressing need for more studies to address this knowledge gap. We analysed 278 cases of suicide reported to The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation, drawing on anonymised data, i.e., age group, gender, diagnostic category, type of treatment provided, inpatient vs. outpatient status, type of treatment facility, and expert assessments of medical errors. The data originated from compensation claim forms, expert assessments, and medical records. Chi-square tests for independence, multinominal logistic regression, and Bayes factors for independence were used to analyse whether the age group, gender, diagnostic category, inpatient/outpatient status, type of institution, and type of treatment received by patients that had died by suicide were associated with different types of medical errors. Patients who received medication tended to be proportionally more exposed to an insufficient level of observation. Those who received medication and psychotherapy tended to be proportionally more exposed to inadequate treatment, including inadequate medication. Inpatients were more likely to be exposed to inappropriate diagnostics and inadequate treatment and follow up while outpatients to insufficient level of observation and inadequate suicide risk assessment. We conclude that the patients who had received medication as their main treatment tended to have been insufficiently observed, while patients who had received psychotherapy and medication tended to have been provided insufficient treatment, including inadequate medication. These observations may be used as learning points for the suicide prevention of patients in treatment in Norwegian psychiatric services. during software development. An extended (not free) version of the book is also available (Margrave & Lamoureux, 2019). Finally, the book “Fourier Acoustics” by E.G. Williams (Williams, 1999) was essential in developing the theory for cylindrical imaging geometries

    Mapping Marine Macroalgae along the Norwegian Coast Using Hyperspectral UAV Imaging and Convolutional Nets for Semantic Segmentation

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    Marine macroalgae form underwater "blue forests" with several important functions. Hyperspectral imaging from unmanned aerial vehicles provides a rich set of spectral and spatial data that can be used to map the distribution of such macroalgae. Results from a study using 81 annotated hyper-spectral images from the Norwegian coast are presented. A U-net convolutional network was used for classification, and accuracies for all macroalgae classes were above 90%, indicating the potential of the method as an accurate tool for blue forest monitoring


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    Penelitian yang dilaksanakan adalah menerapkan metode pembelajaran Visual,Auditory,Kinestethic (VAK) pada mata pelajaran matematika materi perbandingan dan skala pada siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Kemampuan siswa yang diujikan pada penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berfikir kreatif matematik siswaSD. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pembelajaran VAK terhadap kemampuan berfikir kreatif matematik siswa SD. Dari sanalah diketahui keefektifan dari metode tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan alasan diinginkannya para siswa dapat belajar dengan baik dengan menggunakan beberapa modalitas kecerdasan yang mereka miliki, yaitu visual, auditoris dan kinestetiknya. Hal ini dinyatakan dengan alasan bahwa seringkali siswa mendapat aktivitas pembelajaran tidak dengan memodifikasikan kemampuan yang mereka miliki. Terkadang, mereka hanya menggunakan kecerdasan auditorisnya saja, atau visual saja. Padahal, di kelas setiap siswa memiliki kecerdasan yang berbeda-beda porsinya. Dengan memodifikasikan tiga kecerdasan ini, maka seluruh siswa akan terpenuhi kebutuhannya selama pembelajaran. Tidak cenderung ke salah satu kecerdasan saja. Semua itu tergantung dari bagaimana guru menyiapkan materi pembelajaran di kelas. Merencanakan pembelajaran yang baik berarti merencakan keberhasilan siswa dalam mendapatkan pembelajaran yang bermakna. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen kuasi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, didapat temuan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran VAK pada materi skala siswa kelas V SD, terdapat pengaruh metode tersebut terhadap kemampuan berfikir kreatif matematik siswa SD. Terlihat dari adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa anatara pretest dan posttestnya. Dengan adanya pengaruh tersebut, dapat diartikan Metode VAK efektif digunakan di kelas V SD pada materi perbandingan dan skala

    Synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging with application to interior pipe inspection

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    This thesis is concerned with synthetic aperture focusing of ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements, with application to multilayered media and cylindrical structures. The work is motivated by the need for accurate methods for non-destructive testing of pipelines, particularly water distribution pipelines. By improving the lateral resolution in ultrasonic measurements, the synthetic aperture algorithms presented in the thesis enable accurate detection and sizing of corrosion damage, holes, and other pipe defects. In ultrasonic inspection of water-filled pipelines, the water and the pipe wall constitute a multilayered structure, and multilayer synthetic aperture algorithms are therefore needed. We present a number of such multilayer algorithms, formulated in both the time and Fourier domains, and show that the Fourier-domain algorithms generally require a significantly lower processing time. An algorithm combining two algorithms used in reflection seismology is shown to require the least processing time for large data sets. When the synthetic aperture is created by scanning over a straight line or a flat plane, and the propagating medium is homogeneous, the lateral resolution after focusing is approximately half the transducer diameter. We show that this resolution limit also applies in the multilayer case, for both two- and three-dimensional imaging, as long as the transducer beam is relatively narrow. Ultrasonic measurements for pipe inspection are usually performed over a cylindrical surface. We develop a new synthetic aperture algorithm, termed cylindrical phase shift migration, to focus such scans. The algorithm is applicable to concentrically layered media, and thus enables full volumetric synthetic aperture imaging in pipes and similar structures. It is shown that the lateral resolution along the cylinder axis is approximately half the transducer diameter, and that the angular resolution is approximately D/(2R), where D denotes transducer diameter and R denotes scan radius. The algorithm is also adapted for use with focused transducers, and it is shown that it significantly extends the range within which the transducer yields a high lateral resolution

    Rapport/Report 31/2015 – English summary

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    -Lakselus er den største miljømessige utfordringen for lakseoppdrettsnæringen. Å utvikle effektive metoder for å bekjempe lakselus har derfor svært høy prioritet. Ultralyd er lansert som en potensiell metode for å bekjempe lakselus, og målet for rapporten har vært å frambringe kunnskap for å vurdere om det kan være en egnet metode. Rapporten beskriver dannelsen og egenskaper for ultralyd i vann, og hvilken effekt ultralyd har på forskjellige begroingsorganismer. Studiene som er gjort på påslag av rur peker i retning av at ultralyd muligens kan benyttes til å hindre påslag av lakseluskopepoditter på vertsfisken. Virkningen av ultralyd på lakselus kan imidlertid bare dokumenteres gjennom kontrollerte forsøk. Det er lite som tyder på at ultralyd vil ha negativ effekt på oppdrettslaks eller villfisk i området rundt oppdrettsanleggene, men også det må fastslås ved hjelp av kontrollerte forsøk. Sel og hval kan høre ultralyd og vil kanskje bli påvirket, men ikke skadet. Ultralyd i vann representerer ingen utfordringer av HMS-messig karakter.Infection with salmon lice is currently the most serious environmental problem in commercial salmon farming. Development of new and efficient mitigating methods is therefore highly prioritized. Ultrasound might be such a method as it has been shown to have an effect on different biofouling organisms. Studies on barnacles indicate that ultrasound may also be efficient against attachment of salmon louse copepodids on the host fish, but this would have to be experimentally confirmed. It seems that ultrasound has no negative effects on fish, but probably a deterrent effect on marine mammals. Under water ultrasound is not a threat to human health

    Ultralyd – et nytt våpen i kampen mot lakselusa?

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    Lakselus er den største miljømessige utfordringen for lakseoppdrettsnæringen. Å utvikle effektive metoder for å bekjempe lakselus har derfor svært høy prioritet. Ultralyd er lansert som en potensiell metode for å bekjempe lakselus, og målet for rapporten har vært å frambringe kunnskap for å vurdere om det kan være en egnet metode. Rapporten beskriver dannelsen og egenskaper for ultralyd i vann, og hvilken effekt ultralyd har på forskjellige begroingsorganismer. Studiene som er gjort på påslag av rur peker i retning av at ultralyd muligens kan benyttes til å hindre påslag av lakseluskopepoditter på vertsfisken. Virkningen av ultralyd på lakselus kan imidlertid bare dokumenteres gjennom kontrollerte forsøk. Det er lite som tyder på at ultralyd vil ha negativ effekt på oppdrettslaks eller villfisk i området rundt oppdrettsanleggene, men også det må fastslås ved hjelp av kontrollerte forsøk. Sel og hval kan høre ultralyd og vil kanskje bli påvirket, men ikke skadet. Ultralyd i vann representerer ingen utfordringer av HMS-messig karakter

    Rapport/Report 31/2015 – English summary

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    -Lakselus er den største miljømessige utfordringen for lakseoppdrettsnæringen. Å utvikle effektive metoder for å bekjempe lakselus har derfor svært høy prioritet. Ultralyd er lansert som en potensiell metode for å bekjempe lakselus, og målet for rapporten har vært å frambringe kunnskap for å vurdere om det kan være en egnet metode. Rapporten beskriver dannelsen og egenskaper for ultralyd i vann, og hvilken effekt ultralyd har på forskjellige begroingsorganismer. Studiene som er gjort på påslag av rur peker i retning av at ultralyd muligens kan benyttes til å hindre påslag av lakseluskopepoditter på vertsfisken. Virkningen av ultralyd på lakselus kan imidlertid bare dokumenteres gjennom kontrollerte forsøk. Det er lite som tyder på at ultralyd vil ha negativ effekt på oppdrettslaks eller villfisk i området rundt oppdrettsanleggene, men også det må fastslås ved hjelp av kontrollerte forsøk. Sel og hval kan høre ultralyd og vil kanskje bli påvirket, men ikke skadet. Ultralyd i vann representerer ingen utfordringer av HMS-messig karakter.Infection with salmon lice is currently the most serious environmental problem in commercial salmon farming. Development of new and efficient mitigating methods is therefore highly prioritized. Ultrasound might be such a method as it has been shown to have an effect on different biofouling organisms. Studies on barnacles indicate that ultrasound may also be efficient against attachment of salmon louse copepodids on the host fish, but this would have to be experimentally confirmed. It seems that ultrasound has no negative effects on fish, but probably a deterrent effect on marine mammals. Under water ultrasound is not a threat to human health